Hemifrån is an independent A&R, promotion and marketing company, based in the heart of Sweden, specializing in, what they call, “gut music” – The kind of music that you can feel in your gut, no matter what. Hemifran is promoting a lot of singer-songwriter, westcoast-pop, country, AOR and more. Here are featured some of their latest news – it is not all west coast, but dig into it!

Cary Hudson – Ole Blue

Reflecting on “Ole Blue”, Cary Hudson says the recording was inspired by the vibe of the soul and r’n’b music and the sweet vintage gear that Malaco Records is known for. That makes sense. Cary Hudson has always dug deep into the roots of his home state, Mississippi. And as usual, he’s pulled out another winner. More information at Hemifran.

Brock Davis – Everyday Miracle

Writing and recording “Everyday Miracle” has been artistically and personally inspirational for Brock Davis. “Many artists and writers buy into the idea that the best songs come from a broken heart”, Brock says. “While pain can certainly produce a beautiful creation, so can love. You can create from a place of hope, wonder, and love, and it seems to me that creation is a true everyday miracle”. More information at Hemifran.

Michael Menager – Line In The Water

Michael Menager’s 3rd and new album, produced by Heath Cullen, have streamed worldwide and featured on the Australian Music Radio Airplay Project’s Regional Chart and on blues, roots and country playlists across Australia. More information at Hemifran.

By Published On: juni 9, 2024Categories: Artist News, In Focus, Miscellaneous

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About the Author: Kbremer

Good music enriches your life. At BLUE DESERT we are passionate about this particular yet wide-ranging style of music we call West Coast Music. This site is a modest tribute to the music and the performing artists, who through the (many) years have given us - and continue to give us - endless hours of musical enjoyment. As long-time fans we want to share our enthusiasm, experiences and views with fellow connoisseurs as well as curious newcomers. If we can do our bit to help promote this great music and all the gifted artist – well, then we have succeeded.