The Modern Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling …

LarsDK was only 9 years old when he first threw his organ in Dad’s car and stayed driven to work. It was the start of several thousand jobs in Zealand assembly houses, sports halls and for town parties.

There was no doubt in the young LarsDK’s musical mind which way he went should be alive … A life of music.

Cut to many years later, when you almost can’t open a television program, turn on a radio or watch a concert without LarsDK.

All of a sudden, things went strong from the assembly houses to the boned musicals floors.

Burhan G, Rasmus Mountain’s John Mogensen Show, Rugsted & Kreutzfeldt, Stig Ross, and countless TV shows, just to name a few of them as callers LarsDK in.

There is a picture of an incredibly versatile musician who knows his genres and manages to play music with heart.

Speaking of heart … A late night time on the way home over the Great Belt Bridge led a talk with friend and colleague Bobo Moreno, for a mutual challenge; They should each especially, like dogma, the following week write 3 songs to kick each other in once again with the songwriting … and it helped!

For Lars, the beginning of songwriting has been about breaking own boundaries. When one like him has been playing professionally since the age of 9, you have been paying attention many good songs and it may scare a little.

But now the time was ripe to be brave and it opened to one, until now closed, musical lock… more than 50 songs toppled out of Lars, and now they are best selected so that Denmark can listen to LarsDK’s amazing songs.

The lyrics are about children, family, boyfriends, marriage, parents, siblings, and ups & downs … in short; songs about growing and ending as an adult.

The songs are written in a mood of westcoast, country, gospel and disco, and with very deep roots in the Danish pop tradition.

The songs are hand-played by some of the very best musicians we have in the country and The North, and makes up today’s template music, in its “not hunting” on it fast hit.

LarsDK is a fantastic pianist and a fabulous singer and he shows that fortunately on this album… closer does not come LarsDK.


Alt Springer Ud

P-Vine Records 2021

Tracks: Den Eneste Der Er, Det Der Engang Var Mit Hjem, Hjerter På Spil, Minder, Dk Sangen, Endnu En Sommer, Regn På En Grå Dag, Det Var Så Lidt, Langt Mere End Os, Det Hele Af Mig, Du Flytter Hjemmefra, Til Vi Ses Igen, Tiden Går, Frit Fald, Elsker Du Dig, Kærlighed Ved Første Blik & Alt Springer Ud.

Musicians on the Alt Springer Ud album: Lars DK Nielsen, Benni Christiansen, Kasper Langkjær, Marcus Liliequist, Simon Vilmar, Andreas Lund, Aske Jacoby, Jens Runge, Jonas Krag, Jacob Andersen, Thomas Edinger & Jesper Riis.

Alt Springer Ud

Private Label 2020

Tracks: Den Eneste Der Er, Det Der Engang Var Mit Hjem, Hjerter På Spil, Minder, Dk Sangen, Endnu En Sommer, Regn På En Grå Dag, Det Var Så Lidt, Langt Mere End Os, Det Hele Af Mig, Du Flytter Hjemmefra, Til Vi Ses Igen, Tiden Går, Frit Fald, Elsker Du Dig, Kærlighed Ved Første Blik & Alt Springer Ud.

Musicians on the Alt Springer Ud album: Lars DK Nielsen, Benni Christiansen, Kasper Langkjær, Marcus Liliequist, Simon Vilmar, Andreas Lund, Aske Jacoby, Jens Runge, Jonas Krag, Jacob Andersen, Thomas Edinger & Jesper Riis.
