Toys of Joy, brilliant danish westcoast pop…
Toys of Joy started back in 1989 under the bandname “Dont Mention The War”. This was a musical workshop for a bunch of musicians from Elsinore (hometown of west coast music in Denmark).
In this workshop the singer Henrik Launbjerg played together with the guitarplayer Hans Henrik Egestorp. They started working on some demomaterial that Henrik Launbjerg had written. With this Henrik Launbjerg got signed to a label. Under the recording process Henrik Launbjerg song on some material written by Hans Henrik Launbjerg and this was the beginning of Toys of Joy.
In 1990 the first single “When The Rain Falls” released and was followed up by the album “One Of These Days”. The album did´nt get a big commercial succes, but is today getting a lot of interest, especially from the international market. Toys of Joy is a very melodic in their songwriting on this album, so take a closer look on this – you won´t regret it!
In the spring of 1995 Toys of Joy released their second album “Still Be”. This album is more “down to basic” and is recorded more like a bandproject than a studioproject. “Still Be” was a bigger commercial succes, maybe because that Henrik Launbjerg´s voice is really in focus on this album. He has always been called “The Danish Don Henley” and on “Still Be” you really can hear this.
After the first 2 releases Toys of Joy has changed their name to Tois and also got a new member Morten Bolvig, who played keyboard on the first albums. With Tois they recorded songs to the next album, but the recording sessions did not end in any albumrelease. Tois has 3 cd-singles releases “Back To Life”, “Kinda Funky” & “Every Road”.
Late 2001 the band stopped and the leadsinger Henrik Launbjerg focused on his solo career.
This Is Love
PopGun Records 2018
Tracks are: This Is Love.
Musicians on the This Is Love single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing & Karen Rosenberg.
One Of These Days
Olafssongs 2007
Tracks: Watchin´ Your Moves, Hold On, Bring On The Night, One Of These Days, Some People, When The Rain Falls, Can´t Get Nobody Else, Make A Difference, Let It Out & Leaves.
Musicians on the One Of These Days album: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing and others.
Back To Life
Bonnier Music 2001
Tracks: Back To Life (Radio Version).
Musicians on the Back To Life single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Marie Carmen Koppel and others.
Kinda Funky
Bonnier Music 2000
Tracks: Kinda Funky.
Musicians on the Kinda Funky single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig and others.
Every Road
Bonnier Music 2000
Tracks: Every Road & Every Road (Alter-Native Take Six Version).
Musicians on the Kinda Funky single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig and others.
Union Records 1999
Tracks: Springtime.
Musicians on the Springtime single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing & Karen Rosenberg.
This Is Love
Union Records 1998
Tracks are: This Is Love.
Musicians on the This Is Love single: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing & Karen Rosenberg.
Still Be
EMI Records 1995
Tracks: This Is Were We Stand Now, Making Of A Man, Lay Your Hair Down, Still Be, Heart Beating Closer, Since You´ve Been Gone, Just A Little More, When The Sun Goes Down, Cold Steel, Cold Cold Wind, I Go Down So Hard, Wild Boy & A Cut By Your Tongue.
Musicians on the Still Be album: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing and others.
One Of These Days
Polydor Records 1992
Tracks: Watchin´ Your Moves, Hold On, Bring On The Night, One Of These Days, Some People, When The Rain Falls, Can´t Get Nobody Else, Make A Difference, Let It Out & Leaves.
Musicians on the One Of These Days album: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing and others.
One Of These Days
Olofssongs 1991
Tracks: Watchin´ Your Moves, Hold On, Bring On The Night, One Of These Days, Some People, When The Rain Falls, Can´t Get Nobody Else, Make A Difference, Let It Out & Leaves.
Musicians on the One Of These Days album: Henrik Launbjerg, Hans Henrik Egestorp, Morten Bolvig, Lars Elswing and others.