Jette Torp, a strong voice on the danish musicscene…
In 1992 Jette Torp was a part of the show „Biz‟ that was made by the comedian Finn Norbygaard. This show was showed on TV and suddenly all knew „Jette Torp‟. In 1993 she went on tour with her own show „It´s Showtime Folks‟ The year after the coorporation with Finn Norbygaard continued, this time with the show „Musik & Fis‟. This show got a massive success and now Jette Torp had established herself as singer and entertainer.
After the success with Finn Norbygaard she continues her soloshows and in 1995 Jette Torps goes on the road with her musicshow and she is getting great credits for this show. Over the next couple of years she is doing different musicjobs and also touring with the famous danish actor Kurt Ravn.
In 1997 she was contacted by the writer Ivar Lind Greiner who needed a singer for his song „Utopia‟ that was one of the 10 songs that should be in the Danish Music Festival Contest. At this contest she gets the second place, but most important of all, she meets the musicdirector Jan Glaesel.
They begin to make music together and in 1998 Jan Glaesel has a themesong to the DGI Festival called „Endnu En Dag‟ song by Jette Torp and this is followed up by the debutalbum „Here I Am‟. This debutalbum is selling well and shortly after she is going on a tour together with Jan Glaesel and all the great sessionmusicians that is also playing on the album.
The coorporation with Jan Glaesel continues and in 1999 the next album is ready. „What If I Do‟ also hit the charts and again it is followed up by a tour. After this tour Jette Torp is still thinking about doing music with more folk inspiration and she is gathering a band that is trying this idea off on a little tour called „Special Moments‟. This band is getting the cornerstone in the next album called „New Tracks‟ that are released in 2001, a great album taking the irish folk, the new country and west coast musicstyle together all brought out by a big help from Jan Kaspersen, one of the best singer/songwriters in Denmark.
It seems like the New Country musicstyle from Jette Torp is well adapted by listeners so the „New Tracks‟ album is followed up by the album „Snowflakes In Fire‟ late 2002 and on the cd the official themesong „Vi Er Paa Vej‟ from the womens eurohandball 2002 is added as a bonustrack.
In May 2003 Jette Torp and her band had a gig in the northern part of Denmark. This show was very special, because it was the last gig at „Collusseum‟, a local theater- & culturehouse. With the musicians Jan K., Klaus Lorenzen, Kristian Fogh, Kristian Kold & Lars Wagner the showed were recorded by the TV channel TV2 with the main purpose to show clips from the show at the newsprograms at the station.
But this TV Session would more than just being a part of a program, the show was the beginning of a new Jette Torp release, and the result are the „Past The Point Of Rescue‟ album. On this album you can hear songs from her earlier 4 releases, but many of the songs are liveversions, some are new studiorecordings, and the titletrack are a brand new song from Jette Torp.
In 2007 Jette Torp released the solo album „MikrofonSangerinde‟, her first album with danish songs.
Photo from the official website. More information at the official Jette Torp website.
Close To You
Sony Music 2011
Tracks: Those Good Old Dreams, All You Get From Love Is A Love Song, Close To You, There's a Kind of Hush, We've Only Just Begun, Top of the World, When It's Gone (It's Just Gone), Only Yesterday, For All We Know, Rainy Days and Mondays, It's Going To Take Some Time, Please Mr. Postman, Yesterday Once More & Ordinary Fool.
Musicians on the Close To You album: Jette Torp and others.
Det Er Ingenting I Verden Så Stille Som Sne
Wunder Records 2009
Tracks: Der Er Ingenting I Verden Så Stille Som Sne, Dejlig Er Den Himmel Blå, Away In A Manger, Et Barn Er Født I Bethlehem, Glædelig Jul (The Christmas Song), Gnags' Julesang, God Rest Ye Merry gentlemen, Nu Tændes Tusind Julelys, Det Kimer Nu Til Julefest & Calling My Children Home.
Musicians on the MikrofonSangerinde album: Jette Torp and others.
Wunder Records 2007
Tracks: Det Varste Og Det Bedste, Finder Hjem, Hjerterhand, Maerker Du, No One Never Came, Saturn Og Zeus, Gi´Mig Det Hele Igen, Slar Hinanden Hjem, Alene For Dig, Gi´Mig Lov & Him-me-len.
Musicians on the MikrofonSangerinde album: Jette Torp, Jan Kaspersen, Kristian Fogh, Henrik Moller, Lars Wagner, Storm Kleist, Kim Neergaard, Klaus Lorenzen, Brian Uller, Sofie Torp, Claus Pilggard, Soren Lund, Michael Lund, Dario Campeotto, Henning Staerk & Mikker Boggild.
Past The Point Of Rescue
RecArt Music 2003
Tracks: CD: Past The Point Of Rescue, Under The Moon, Only A Women´s heart, Beautiful Day, by The Light In Your Eyes, Little Did I Know, Blowin´In The Wind, Love Someone, An Angel in My Heart, What If I Do, Vi Er Paa Vej, You´ve Got A Friend, Like Someone In Love, Just A Little Bit, Endnu En Dag, Every Time You Cry & Two Fools In Love. DVD: Spinning Wheels, Love Someone, When Nightowls Call, Just Like You, If I Had A Chance, We´ve Come So Far, Two Fools In Love, Never Give In, Good Times, I Have Fallen In Love Again, By The Light In Your Eyes, I Can´t Find The Mainroad, Ballad Of D., Little Did I Know, Under The Moon, I Feel Lucky & Every Time You Cry.
Musicians on the Past To The Point Of Rescue album: Jette Torp, Jan Kaspersen, Klaus Lorenzen, Kristian Fogh, Kristian Kold, Lars Wagner, Lau Gronager, Morten Lambertsen, Jesper Mejlvang, Jonas Krag, Troels Skovgaard, Lars Danielsson, Per Lindvall, Flemming Nilsson, Jan Glaesel, Helle Hansen, Dorthe Andersen, Emil De Waal, Harald Haugaard, Boe Larsen, Det Danske Kvindelandshold, Johs. Staerk, Billy Cross, Nollaig Casey, Tommy Keane, Lise Dandanell, Pia Trojgaard, Niels Ratzer, Jorn Albert Campos & Andrew Strong.
Snowflakes In Fire
RecArt Music 2002
Tracks: Love Someone, I Have Fallen In Love Again, Little Did I Know, Good Times, We´ve Come So Far, Two Fools In Love, Life Is A Journey, Never Give In, When Night Owls Call. Can´t Find The Mainroad, Ballad Of D. & Vi Er Paa Vej.
Musicians on the Snowflakes In Fire album: Jette Torp, Jan Kaspersen, Lau Gronager, Kristian Fogh, Kristian Kold, Lars Wagner, Sofie Torp, Kristina Holgersen, Karina Holgersen, Charlie J., Kim Neergaard, Jacob Buchanan, Michael Lund, Louise Vangsgaard, Jonas Friis, Harald Haugaard & Boe Larsen.
New Tracks
RecArt Music 2001
Tracks: By The Light In Your Eyes, Rainbow, The Rose, Even Winners Sometimes Loose, Silence Come Silently, Back In The High Life Again, Find A Way To My Heart, Under The Moon, Like Someone In Love, Fear Is The Enemy Of Love, How Can Right Be Wrong, Promise & You' ve Got A Friend.
Musicians on the New Tracks album: Jette Torp, Jan Kaspersen, Lau Gronager, Kristian Fogh, Kristian Kold, Lars Wagner, Nollaig Casey, Tommy Keane, Billy Cross, Nis Tyrrestrup, Jon Anderskou, Vibeke H. Larsen, Svend Kjeldsen, Johs. Staerk, Kristina Holgersen, Brian Uller, Morten Lambertsen, Carol Conrad Brydenfelt, Prags Symf. ork., Kristian Gislason & Morten Eriksen.
What If I Do
RecArt Music 1999
Tracks: If I Had The Chance, An Angel In My Heart, It's Not Enough, Beautiful Day, I Don't Belong Here, Ain't No Mountain, You've Got That Smile Upon Your Face, What If I Do, I Still Believe In You, I Feel Lucky & My Pleasure And My Pain.
Musicians on the What If I Do album: Jette Torp, Jan Glaesel, Jonas Krag, Jesper Mejlvang, Lars Danielsson, Lars Wagner, Helle Hansen, Dorthe Andersen, Jan Kaspersen, Jesper Nordenstrom. Henrik Poulsen, Prag Philharmonikerne, Troels Skovgaard, Per Lindvall, Jens Haack, Nikolai Bogelund, Flemming Nilsson, Morten Carlsen & Toots Thielemans.
Here I Am "Special Edition"
CMC Records 1998
Tracks: Don’t Need No Reason For Loving You, Blowin’ In The Wind, Every Time You Cry (vs. Andrew Strong), Talk To Me While I’m Listening, Just A Little Bit, Here I Am, Where I Belong, Only A Woman’s Heart, Experience (vs. Andrew Strong), Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me, A Million Miles Away & Endnu En Dag.
Musicians on the Here I Am album: Jette Torp, Andrew Strong, Jan Glaesel, Jesper Mejlvang, Jonas Krag, Troels Skovgaard, Lars Danielsson, Emil De Waal, Helle Hansen, Dorte Andersen, Jan Kaspersen, Anders Gaardmand, Anders Stigsgaard Larsen, Ojving Ougaard & Rune Harder Olesen.
Here I Am
CMC Records 1998
Tracks: Don't Need No Reason For Loving You, Blowin' In The Wind, Every Time You Cry (vs. Andrew Strong), Talk To Me While I'm Listening, Just A Little Bit, Here I Am, Where I Belong, Only A Woman's Heart, Experience (vs. Andrew Strong), Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, A Million Miles Away & Endnu En Dag.
Musicians on the Here I Am album: Jette Torp, Andrew Strong, Jan Glaesel, Jesper Mejlvang, Jonas Krag, Troels Skovgaard, Lars Danielsson, Emil De Waal, Helle Hansen, Dorte Andersen, Jan Kaspersen, Anders Gaardmand, Anders Stigsgaard Larsen, Ojving Ougaard & Rune Harder Olesen.