
A succesfully danish singer/songwriter …

After nine years with DeMarco the singer/songwriter Kristian Svenningsen continues with a solo career. The first album „Ingenmandsland‟ was released in 2006 were Kristian Svenningsen still shows that he is one of the most talented songwriters in Denmark.



Rarlyd 2006

Tracks: Rak Ud, Ingenmandsland, Nye Dromme, Paris, Vinterhjerte, En Agte Elsker, Mal Dit Billede, Lad Det Regne, Siden Du X Min Vej & Ka´Vi Sa Fa Noget Ro.

Musicians on the Ingenmandsland album: Kristian Svenningsen, Peter Dombernowsky, Mikkel Rorbak, Palle Hjorth & Lise Blaase.
