Work Of Art was formed in 1992 when Herman and Robert met while they both attended SÖL school of music. They quickly took a liking in each others song writing and soon started to record demos together.
Herman brought along his friend Lars to play keyboard and sing backup. However, the task of finding a singer was harder than expected and band was temporarily laid on ice. Meanwhile, being exposed to a lot different styles of music while studying, Herman and Robert soon ended up in a lot of different projects that musically had very little in common with WOA. Upon graduating from school in 1995 the band went their separate ways.
In 1998 Herman brought up the idea to start recording again, this time with Lars on vocals. Being a bit reluctant at first, Robert soon changed his mind when he heard the first results of Lars singing their songs. During the following year the guys worked on a bunch of songs in Lars’ Krater studio.
Four songs made it to the mixing stage in summer of 1999. Only now, Lars became busy with other projects and suggested that the band should temporarily be put on hold for the time being. Getting tired of waiting, Herman and Robert, recorded the basic tracks for 8 new songs and decided to look for a new vocalist. Once again, Lars was asked to help out, this time as a recording engineer. Lars invited the band to his studio for a drum recording session. Luckily, when Lars heard the new material, it didn’t take long before he expressed his desire to sing with the band again.
In January 2007 WOA released their first official demo which immediately caught the attention of critics and fans on the melodic rock scene. This led to a record deal with Frontiers Records who immediately picked up the band impressed with the quality of the song writing and performing abilities.
Work of Art delivers a melodic, yet powerful rock music, based around Lars strong vocals. Influences like TOTO, Journey and Giant can be easily recognized. Ranging from more up-tempo rockers like “Why do I?” to more radio friendly songs like “Camelia” with grandiose ballads as “One In A Lifetime” and even contemporary rock songs like “Cover Me”, Work of Art is set to reach not only the traditional Melodic Rock fan base but also to cross over to a wider and more radio based audience.
Frontiers Records 2019
Tracks: Misguided Love, Be The Believer, Another Night, This Isn’t Love, Gotta Get Out, Come Home, If I Could Fly, Destined To Survive, Scars To Prove It, What You Want From Me & Let Me Dream.
Musicians on the Exhibits album: Lars Säfsund, Robert Säll, Herman Furin, Jonas Gröning, Jonas Öijvall, Marcus Möller, Robert Elovsson, Vince DiCola, Shem von Schroeck, Andreas Passmark, Nalle Påhlsson, Henrik Linder, Figge Boström & Mikael Emsing.
Frontiers Records 2014
Tracks: Time To Let Go, How Will I Know?, Can't Let Go, How Do You Sleep At Night?, Over The Line, The Machine, Hold On To Love, Natalie, The Turning Point & My Waking Dream.
Musicians on the Framework album: Lars Säfsund, Robert Säll, Herman Furin and others.
In Progress
Frontiers Records 2011
Tracks: The Rain, Nature Of The Game, Once Again, Never Love Again, Eye Of The Storm, Until You Believe, The Great Fall, Call On Me, Emelie, Fall Down, Castaway & One Step Away.
Musicians on the In Progress album: Lars Safsund, Robert Sall, Herman Furin and others.
Frontiers Records 2008
Tracks: Why Do I?, Maria, Camelia, Her Only Lie, Too Late, Whenever U Sleep, Once In A Lifetime, Peace Of Mind, Lost Without Your Love, Like No Other, Cover Me & One Hour.
Musicians on the Artwork album: Lars Safsund, Robert Sall, Herman Furin, Andreas Olsson, Urban Danielsson, Henning Axelsson and others.