Henrik Volf is a Danish musician, singer, guitarist and songwriter.
Released together with the band CREW in 1984 the single “Venter Du Stadig”, and debuted in 1992 as a soloist with the release of the English-language album Walkin`That Road.
Has since participated in 42 releases and has a total of 264 registered own compositions. 142 of these works have either been released as a single, EP or album.
That´ It - So Far
VMP Records 2019
Tracks: Jeg Gi´r Op, That´s It, Lige Her, Du Er Jo Lige Her, September, Blåt Blod, Fru Jensen, Hvorfor, Sammen Vi Står, For Sent, Wild World, Syd For Søndervig, Du Kan Få Mig, D. 22. December, Liv, Du Som Er I Himlen, Som Drenge De Gør, Købmand Af Kærlighed, Taken My Breath Away, Hey There Little One, Når Vinden Suser Over Midtjylland, Vi Ses, Når De Siger Farvel, Et Lille Øjeblik, Blind Passager, Det Allersidste Stik, On The Road To Fame, Go My Way, For You, Walkin´That Road, Stay Forever, Woman Of My Life, Søvngænger, Stjernenatten & Venter Du Stadig.
Musicians on the That´ It - So Far album: Henrik Volf and others.
VMP Records 2012
Tracks: Ramt, Lykkelig Forladt, Jeg Giver Op, Jorden Brænder, Du Kan Få Mig, Liv, Du Er Pisse Dejlig, Syd For Søndervig, Som Drenge De Gør, Før Du Går Fra Mig, D. 22. December & Du Som Er I Himlen.
Musicians on the Ramt album: Henrik Volf and others.
VMP Records 1999
Tracks: Ulvetid, Lige Her, Ud Over Livet, Kom Nu, Når De Siger Farvel, Nogen Gange, Fået Nok, Lykkelig I Nat, Et Lille Øjeblik, Et Sted I Danmark & Vi Ses.
Musicians on the Ulvetid album: Henrik Volf and others.
Knowing She´s The One
VMP Records 2003
Tracks: Taken My Breath Away, Knowing She´s The One, Still Missing You, Hey There Little One, Chill Out, Late Night Conclusion, Let It Rain, There Is My Love, Put Your Arms Around Me & The Reason Why (I´m Here).
Musicians on the Knowing She´s The One album: Henrik Volf and others.
In The Backyard
VMP Records 1995
Tracks: Living Is Easy, Mr Telephone Man, In The Backyard, On The Road To Fame, Go My Way, There Is Always You And Me, Hang On, She´s Why, For You, Don´t Talk Money To Me, How Can I Love You & Women The Make No Sense.
Musicians on the In The Backyard album: Henrik Volf and others.
Walkin´ That Road
Iceberg Records 1992
Tracks: Walkin´ That Road, Ran Out Of Love, Pretty Lies, I´ll Never Forgot About You, I´m Still Here, Rickie, Eyes Don´t See Everything, That´s You, Only Dreamers Know, Stay Forever & Woman Of My Life.
Musicians on the Walkin´ That Road album: Henrik Volf and others.