Message from John Pena:

Hi Everyone,

John Peña here wanting to share some great news with you!

The Official Los Lobotomys website is now live, up and running!

We have new music for you! Finally after all these years with much sacrifice and laboring we have cooked up some very special music and musicians for you. It truly has been a labor of love.

We need your help with spreading the news and getting those preorders in, as that will help us with final costs and get the music into your hands by end of this fall season. We know it’s been a long time coming but as many of you very well know, it is not easy getting all these great musicians together for a long period of time. This is LA and everyone is always doing something different.

Never the less, we have a finished product that we feel is worthy of Los Lobotomys and are excited to share with you. The link below will take you to our new official website.

We appreciate you guys giving us a lift with the preorders.

Thank you from Los Lobotomys!
Get Lobotomized!

Go to:

By Published On: september 29, 2018Categories: In Focus, New Releases

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About the Author: Kbremer

Good music enriches your life. At BLUE DESERT we are passionate about this particular yet wide-ranging style of music we call West Coast Music. This site is a modest tribute to the music and the performing artists, who through the (many) years have given us - and continue to give us - endless hours of musical enjoyment. As long-time fans we want to share our enthusiasm, experiences and views with fellow connoisseurs as well as curious newcomers. If we can do our bit to help promote this great music and all the gifted artist – well, then we have succeeded.